Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Why Peep into Others lives?

This article in NY Times today caught my attention, “For Clintons, Delicate Dance of Married and Public Lives”. Clintons have a very active public life and each of them are living their dream and giving little time for their personal lives is the crux of the article.

The world has a lot to learn from the Ex-President and the First Lady. Their marriage was on rocks like any other when the President was caught with the intern, but still they decided to stick together and work it out. It is very difficult to put back trust and confidence in a relationship and it takes lot of hard work to put it back on track. While Bill is busy raising money for his foundations and trotting the globe for other activities, Hillary is busy as a Senator in Washington D.C. Some speculate that Mrs. Clinton has a very ambitious political career and she is using the brand image and good will of Mr. Clinton to get the office. Is it the means to the end or end to the means? Only time will have to answer. But she must be given credit for sticking together and helping the ex-president wash his linens in public.

Lenses of all kinds constantly watch the couple and their lives are always autopsied and press feed on their lives like a wandering scavengers with insatiable hunger. How many times do they dine together? How many times do they appear in public together? Their body language and gestures raise a lot of eyebrows. Is this the price they will have to pay for being popular? It is not just the Clintons who are preyed upon, but there are many folks in the film industry who get preyed upon unnecessarily. The same media that helped them to grow and reach heights has now turned into a vulture tearing their skins away and exhibiting their private lives. Why media doesn’t let us live our fair share? One could debate either in favor of the media or take a stand against the media for such boorish articles.

Let us not peer personal live and let us learn to live with dignity and let others live with dignity.


  1. Interesting, but leaves certain questions unanswered.


  2. JK:
    Come on share your unanswered questions.
