Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Games they play

We‘ve all come a long way from the animal kingdom and evolution has brought us to another kingdom where rules of the game are every different. And our shared past often makes us look at the animal kingdom to see if there is a leaf or two to borrow. Does the sixth sense make us any better? Is sex easier handled as an act of procreation than an act of recreation? Is complexity a part of the evolution process. I was amazed watching an hour long program on Nat Geographic Channel on the topic of “Evolution”.

Sex is a currency:
Sexual currency is often traded in primate kingdom for social purposes. It is used to buy security, peace and avoid conflicts. In the land of primates, louder the female call the more excited males become. Noisy females ensure best genes are transferred to the next generation. The chance of a less-noisy female getting pregnant is low. Absence of noise can also mean the copulation was for social purpose more than procreation. So do filled vessels that make more noise in the primate world?

One time (night?) stand:
Female Roaches mate just once, stock up sperm and lay eggs when they want rather than looking around for mates. Save up for the rainy days, huh? How interesting it should be to just mate once and say good-bye! There are no emotional attachments and sex is truly for procreation. It is a no-strings attached copulation.

Chastity lock:
Among Stick insects, males copulate and sticks to the  female (chastity lock) to prevent other males from mating, until she gets to lay her eggs. Now you know how Italian cities, including Florence, Milan, Rome, and Venice came up with the concept of chastity lock in the 12-13 century!

Some happy endings are really sad!
Among Lady bugs, mating happens just once and the male bug dies at the end of act. It appears as though their birth objective is to mate and die. The female drags the dead male around and dumps him before laying her eggs. A good starting point for Penis Monologues, huh? Death by penis!

Mafia queens are born to kill male bees!
Among honey bees, male bees get into a bull fight to mate with the only queen bee. A successful male that gets to mate with the Queen bee often dies because its penis gets stuck and eventually the bee dies trying to free itself. The queen bee uses other males (lots of Plan B) to free herself from the broken penis and give another guy a chance for her to procreate.

Clean, fill and flit:
Among Dragon flies, the male uses two brushes next to their penis to remove solidified sperm inside the female organ, from earlier copulation and ensuring their gene goes to the next generation. Should you admire their sense of hygiene or their objective to leave their gene pool behind. See the games these insects play!

Looking at their life-cycle, it appears like procreation is the sole objective of any form of life born on earth and all of it happens without any wed-lock or commitment. And now you know where from we learnt our one-night stands, live-ins, kinks, hidden sexual agendas, chastity lock, and no-strings attached relationships, etc. But where did the leaf of marriage come from? Keep researching….

1 comment:

  1. U r r8 in one angle. But i have a different point of view. All the creatures u hav mentioned r in the 1st phase of the 'evolution'(1,2,3 sense beings). We are much more matured compared to them. (Tamil cinema is in 7th sense..hehehe:))

    Dont ask me what 7th sense creatures will do in sex?
