Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pamela Mountbatten on the Jawaharlal-Edwina relationship

It was very interesting to see the script of Karan Thapar’s interview with Pamela Mountbatten in today’s Hindu.

The read the following questions and interesting replies. It silenced by brain and emotions for a second. Never judge a book by its cover. It also needs guts and gumption to talk about ones’ family, especially a mother’s relationships in the public.

Love has no reasons or seasons!!

There was no tinge of jealousy or perhaps of hurt emotion?
No, because I think he trusted them both. And also, my mother was so happy with Jawaharlal, she knew she was helping him at a time when it’s very lonely at the pinnacle of power. It really is. And if she could help, and my father knew that it helped her, because a woman can, after a long marriage, and they’d been over twenty five years together, a woman can feel perhaps frustrated, and perhaps neglected if somebody’s working terribly hard. And so if a new affection comes into her life, a new admiration, she blossoms and she’s happy.

But Panditji was a widower, he needed female affection. Your mother was alluring and beautiful. They were so close to each other. It would be natural for the emotional to become sexual.
It could be, and maybe everybody will think I’m being very naive, but the fact that she had had lovers in the past, somehow this was so different, it really was. And the letters, I mean if you were deeply, physically in love, your whole letter would be about the other person and your need of them physically, and it would be that kind of love letter. These letters had an\nopening paragraph of tenderness, and the end would be also tender and romantic and nice like that, but three quarters of the letter was unburdening himself of all his worries and his disappointments or his hopes and all his idealism coming out for the extraordinary time of India at her rebirth in history and it is the history of India as an independent nation.

For more visit the website or scroll down.....

1 comment:

  1. Hm...probably, they shared a Platonic relationship
