Saturday, September 20, 2008

Raman Thediya Seethai

I have been waiting for this film ever since the promos were advertised in April 08. After watching Cheran’s last movie which was almost a slow documentary, I was not sure if I should catch this one on the first day first show, but nevertheless I decided to go. I was not disappointed, but moved, surprised and tearful.

We’ve heard and seen stories about women being traded like a commodity in the marriage market, but have seen a man in that place? Should you pity or should you shrug it off? May be that is how it is today? Let us park the thought there and go to the movie.

Raman Thediya Seethai (RTS), the title of the movie gives it all away, is a story about a successful young man who goes through the rigmarole of arranged marriage. He pays a big price for his transparency and honesty and is being rejected by all potential mates and finally the one born for him find him. Life goes a full circle is so true!

RTS, A simple well woven story line, well narrated, well edited and well packaged. There is not a moment in the movie where you wanted to leave for a smoke or popcorn, not a single scene that can do away with and still get to the end, and not a moment where the movie sags. Camera doesn’t fail to capture the beauty of all the women and the nature (Pondicherry and Nagercoil). Yet there yet not there, not over powering the story - lyrics and music only adds to the success of the movie. Vidyasagar is music is fresh, and fragrant.

Nedumaran’s character RJ is pivotal, fresh and adds strength to the script, but one may ask why is director using the same blind man card in this movie like Cheran’s Autograph? Was it is a coincidence, sentimental or for sympathy? Can’t we do stories without gaining the sympathy of the audience?

Nitin Satya comes across in his usual style - simple yet powerful style. You only feel sad and sorry for Venugopal (Cheran), who has done a great job trying to show myriad of emotions on the screen – compassion, anger, disappointment. He comes across as a true Raman in this world of Ravanan. I am sure all the women will vote for him.

Cast of heroines was a good choice. Vimala Raman was stunning, Ramya was pleasing and Navya Nair was an eye candy. Vimal and Ramya get a solid role to emote and tear. Should you praise the crocodiles?

A family movie with usual sentiments, drama, but none of flavors was overdone to reach the limits of cloying. It is definitely a must watch film with the family. A job well done by KP Jaganathan!


  1. Good, a review a day keeps the doctor away :)

  2. Hi Chandron,

    Nice Review. Narrations on the 4 heroines are crisp and cheran taking all women votes is not a surprise.

    Hoping to watch it soon.

