Saturday, January 24, 2009

Madagascar: Escape to Africa

I had not seen the prequel to this movie (“Madagascar: The Crate Escape"), but after watching trailer and having caught the word of mouth I decided to get myself a seat for this movie. However much fairytale kind and animated the characters are in these movies, there is still some element of realism in the script and theme. The story line is often simple and very pedestrain. Characters fall in love, lose in life, friends who rescue them and adding to this charm and realism there is always a moral that appeals to both younger and older audience.

On their way home to New York from their Madagascan adventure, the four friends crash land in an African nature reserve. The animals are excited when they see more of their kind in the African wild. The excitement picks up when Alex (Lion) discovers his long-lost parents (Zubba and Florrie), Melman (Giraffe) gets an amazing career, Gloria turns into a popular pool girl and Marty is surrounded by stripes.

Every land has its set of challenges; every parent has their set of disappointments from their children, every heart has a unique key to lock and unlock, and there are unfriendly moments in every friendship. The rest 60 minutes of the story revolves around all of the above.

There were so many Aha moments in the movie. I could relate to Alex being forced to take up test by his father and become the Alpha male of the land, Marty kind of a feeling (surrounded by my clan), holding the wrong key to the heart like Melman L, and going through tug-of-war times between close friends Alex and Marty, Melman and Gloria.

The movie was never short of dramatic moments. The tough women Nana shows how New Yorkers are resilient and adaptable. Her dialogues were sharp and sticking. Gloria stopping Melman from being offered as a sacrifice to the volcano. Alex meanwhile manages to rescue both himself and his father by dancing for the New Yorkers. Skipper (a penguin) marries a bobble-head hula doll from the plane and leaves on a honeymoon.

Nothing lasts forever, Alex gets banished but brings water to parched the waterhole and earns the aplha male title and Alex parents have their proud moment, Melman gets Gloria for life, Marty and Alex become friends again..Though the plot was similar to Happy Feet and The Lion King, the characters were lively, cute and moral was loud. Now I am curious to go back and watch the prequel.

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