Saturday, June 11, 2016

Vasantham: A Heaven on Earth

When the students were asked to assemble in the room downstairs, one of them came running down the stairs looking for his parents. Upon seeing me, he was a little disappointed, but I wasn't. Anitha and I had driven for an hour to see them and understand their needs. 

Shortly, remaining students trickled down the stairs to join us in a classroom across from the administrative room. We didn't have any earlier experience of interacting with this many children; their warmth, inquisitive nature and special talents didn't do justice to the tag - mentally challenged. Though we were a bit nervous, but we quickly snapped out it and began by introducing ourselves. We explained the objective of our visit in simple terms in an attempt to win their trust and confidence. The next thirty minutes turned into a very pleasant interaction as they showcased their super powers.

A student in a pitch-perfect voice adhering to tala (rhythm) sounded like a professional singer as he sang hymns on Ganesha; many of his classmates chimed in without hesitation. A few other students asked us if knew the score from the one-day cricket match between India and Zimbabwe. And shortly, teachers took turn to brag about their students successfully passing 8th grade exams. What we saw and heard inside definitely didn't match the name board displayed at the entrance. All of them were specially talented. The love and care of attenders and how they intervened to calm and pacify was beyond motherly.

We were taken on a tour of the classrooms to understand the kind of formal and vocational education imparted to students. One of the admin staff who was busy filing invoices and bills when we walked into the facility shared his story at the end of his tour. Three years ago when he discovered his son was a special child he quit his high paying job in Bangalore started work at this school in an effort to better understand his son, who is now six.

As we sat down to discuss their needs with Mrs. Alli Murugesan, who has been running this school for over 30 years, she revealed amazing abilities of her children and how some of them have become a part of the administrative staff. The place doubles up as a  residential school for 40 special children, while 70 others go back to their homes at the end of day.

Anitha and I had stepped out convinced that the place was aptly named Vasantham. In a few weeks, we will be organizing a medical camp for these lovely children. Many thanks to our donors and a special thanks to my friend Maheshwaran for recommending this school of angels with special powers to me.

1 comment:

  1. My dear friend ever since we renewed our ties you never stopped amazing me every single week. You are a friend I never lost and you are a friend I'm privileged to have known. Truly inspiring in showing what a mere mortal can do to make a difference in the lives of others. I salute and pray God that he continues to provide the energy and motivation for you to keep doing what you do. I salute you!

    Vasantham is an awe inspiring place - the children who are cared for there teach how simple life can be and yet how hard it is to gain a place for them in the mainstream society. They don't need our pity as all they want is respect and recognition.
