Saturday, October 1, 2016

Two words and lot of emotions…

Investigation and audit are two key words that were thrown around this week at larger public, employees and investors and also used as an iron curtain to keep them in dark.
Both doctors from India and abroad are investigating the health of the Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalitha who has been hospitalized for fever and dehydration for the last ten days. Earlier this week, during the first US Presidential debate, Donald Trump was asked to reveal his financial health (tax returns) and Hillary Clinton about the deleted emails. And yesterday, Cognizant’s stock tanked by 10% with the announcement of resignation of President Gordon Coburn over the ongoing investigation by an audit committee.  
Opacity erodes credibility
Despite understanding the power of communication to persuade people and work hard to earn trust of investors and employees, Corporates, political leaders and presidential nominees often turn silent and opaque in the time of crisis. They fail to realize how transparency and honesty can work in their favor to prevent media houses from speculating and rumor mills from eroding their hard earned trust and credibility. Don’t you agree?

Open secret
It is a well known secret that Jayalalitha has been seriously unwell since she was released from Parpana Agrahara jail in Bangalore in the disproportionate asset case. In the last 2 years her public appearance diminished and opposition parties constantly questioned her limited presence at Fort St. George. If one were to replay her last public appearance 12 days ago during the inauguration of the Metro train service between Airport and St. Thomas Mount, you will see how pale and sick she appears.

Lack of Reciprocity
Just as Chief Ministers worry about the financial health, physical and emotional well-being of the people in the state, don’t party cadres and general public have the right and responsibility to worry about their leader? While Party cadres and general public have been praying for her speedy recovery by offerings prayers in temples, doctors at Apollo Hospitals without divulging her ailment have repeatedly issued the same statement denying all rumors about CM planning to go overseas for medical treatment.

Limited Communication
Upon Cognizant’s admission of possible corruption to the Securities Exchange Commission and Department of Justice, investors showed their displeasure by going on a selling spree. Soon their CEO sent a bland email communication to his employees announcing the resignation of President Gordon and appointment of a new president without divulging much information about their 8K filing with the SEC. The CEO failed to realize that his employees are equally invested (emotionally and financially) in the organization and need to know the truth and details shared with the market.

Silence Vs. Denial
The true character of a leader comes out only in the time of crisis. Donald’s silence over revealing his taxes filings and Hillary’s denial over using private email for confidential communication has not only eroded their trust, but also put a big question in the minds of American public: Are these leaders are trust worthy to rule our nation?

Misplaced trust
But once they get to the seat of power, they all forget their hard journey and turn a deaf ear to power of communication, reciprocation and blind eye to transparency. And despite their shortcomings, we continue to elect those who evade taxes and commit perjury. We don’t question her health even when public money is spent for medical treatment. We will remain silent over the misdeeds of the organization despite being emotionally and financially invested. It is all misplaced trust.

As employees, followers and investors, will be ever investigate our decisions and audit our conscience? Until then… Corporates will lie to the market and financial analyst to build their credibility to attract capital, client and talent. Political leaders appear look squeaky clean and service minded to get to the seat of power. And Media houses will conduct their trials and give out their verdict.

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